Our WEDDING!! And New Music!

Happy New Year!! May 2022 bring you good health and joy and relaxation. I have a FEW announcements, one of which is: we finally had our wedding!! Gordon and I postponed twice and waited quite some time to tie the knot, with our friends and family present.

It was a perfect day. Everything was beautiful and I can definitely say it was worth the wait. We wrote and recorded “secret songs” for each other that we performed for the first time at our reception. Lots of happy tears. The studio version of the songs were released that night! Under our duo’s band name, Overnite Oats. This is the first time we have officially released on Spotify under our duo’s name.

Please follow us on Spotify or find us wherever you listen to music. The new tunes are titled “Pink” and “November” <3

overnite oats band pink cover art music

click the photo to hear the song on youtube

overnite oats band november cover art music

click the photo to hear the song on youtube

I hope you enjoy them. Lots of love went into these tunes.

I recorded two more songs in the studio and I’m excited to release them this year. I wrote them years ago and finally bit the bullet and recorded them. Can’t wait to share soon.

I’ll leave you with a pic from our special day <3 <3 <3

